@inproceedings{ agrawal95mining,
author = "Rakesh Agrawal and Ramakrishnan Srikant",
title = "Mining sequential patterns",
booktitle = "Eleventh International Conference on Data Engineering",
publisher = "IEEE Computer Society Press",
address = "Taipei, Taiwan",
editor = "Philip S. Yu and Arbee S. P. Chen",
pages = "3--14",
year = "1995",
url = "citeseer.ist.psu.edu/agrawal95mining.html" }
To mine patterns of sequences.
Clearly defined the sequence mining problem. Defined support in this problem. Gave the whole process for sequence mining and 3 algorithms for the sequencing phase.
Sequence mining can be done in 5 phases: sort, large itemset, transformation, sequence and maximal. Details can be found in paper, pay attention to the large itemset finding part and don't need to spend much on the 3 sequencing algorithms.
This algorithm can find all maximal frequent sequences. However, the apriori nature makes its performance low. More recently, J.Han et al did research on sequence mining performance.